Shivamogga City Corporation, Shivamogga in Karnataka State has been selected by the Ministry of Urban Development as one of the 100 smart cities to participate in the Smart City Challenge Stage-2 by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. Shivamogga City is the head quarter of malnad region located on the Western Ghats. Mainly Shivamogga City is known for its culture, education and commerce.
Shivamogga City Corporation Shivamogga has to submit a Smart City Proposal (SCP) to the Ministry of Urban Development, GOI which shall outline the consultations held with the city residents and other stakeholders unfolding the aspiration of people matched with the vision contained in the smart city proposal.After first round of consultation and with the result of citizen aspirations we are uploading the main features of the proposal for citizen views. The residents are requested to post their suggestion pertaining to the proposal.